August 2011
The New DPI Europe will arrive soon

Dear DPI members, Dear readers,

I thank you for your continued commitment to the ranks of DPI, with the hope that you will be able to participate to our next meeting in Budapest on September 3rd & 4th 2011.

As you are aware the job of NGOs has become more and more difficult and our last big success, the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), has the unexpected consequence to generate a kind of identity crisis for the disability movement that obligates us to redefine our goals and the manner to which we act. People with disabilities are heard better by their governments and with the new legal basis given by the CRPD, services and adaptations they require are more and more recognized and available in the economy market, but with the origins of their change in oppression they are in many cases still excluded in different ways.

This is the reality, we have changed the world and now we have to change the manner to how we act if we are to be considered not only as a source of revenue but as Human Beings of equal value. More than that, we, the people with disabilities, must demonstrate that we are not only disabled but offer valuable experiences that are sources for learning for the promotion of Human Rights for all regardless of ability.

This is why we need a new European Non Governmental Organization, to affirm our commitment, to take initiatives, to respond to funding projects and to give us opportunities to demonstrate the value of our participation to the education of Human Rights, not only for us but for All.

Regional Development Office

via Dei Bizantini, 97

88046 Lamezia Terme (CZ) Italia,

tel. 0039 0968 463499

fax 0039 0968 463568 Contact